Monday, July 23, 2012

Lesbian is terrorized and tortured

This CNN article describes a hate crime that took place in Lincoln, Nebraska. Three men bound a woman and carved cruel words into her skin. The men also painted a slang/derogatory term for lesbians inside the woman's home and proceeded to torch the home with gasoline. The woman escaped and made it to her neighbor's home. When her neighbor answered the door, she was shocked to see the woman, naked, sobbing, covered in blood, and bound at the wrists. Her neighbor made the call to 911 to report what had happened. Members of the LGTB (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered community) organized a meeting to raise awareness, and a tremendous amount of people showed to show their support of LGTB. Lincoln strives to fight for justice in hopes that the community will come together and make sure similar situations like this do not occur. The battered woman is known throughout her neighborhood for mowing the lawns, raking leaves, and shoveling snow for others in the neighborhood. She also apologized to her neighbor for waking her stepson on the night she showed up at her doorstep. Situations like this are just devastating. I don't understand how people can justify terrorizing another human being on the basis of their sexual preference. Who cares if this woman wants to date other women?! It has absolutely no effect on any bystander. This woman is apparently extremely caring and giving and probably has ten times a bigger heart than anyone who discriminates against her. I admire the Lincoln community for coming together to make sure that justice is done. My condolences and prayers go out to the victim and anyone else who suffers from similar persecution.

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