Monday, July 23, 2012

Do they really think we are that dumb?

I remember sitting down and watch TV with my dad and a commercial for paper towels or household cleaning products would come on and every time the husband seemed lost, confused, or just somewhat dumb. Every time my dad would look at me and say, "Do they really think we are that dumb?"  I grew up with parents that were/are dual-earner couple.  There were times when my mom would stay and clean and my dad would go down to the barn and work, however I grew up with parents who both worked full-time and both took care of us, cooked for us, etc.  My vision of the household division of labor is blurred and that  line is blurring for more and more people.  It's evident through the changes I've seen in household commercials with tasks that are traditionally labeled as a woman's responsibility.  Jif Peanut Butter is a great example.  Their tagline use to be choosy moms choose Jif and featured a mom fixing a sandwich for her children, but in recent years I've seen more commercials that have a dad and his children and they've changed their tag to choosy mom and dads choose Jif.  My dad seems happy that men are not constantly advertised as an ignoramus when it comes to household chores.  Below are some links to different commercials referenced in this blog.

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